Tabletop RPGs. Some people have no clue what they are. Others have heard of them but in passing, while other people are geeks like myself and love tabletop RPGs.
There are a lot of tabletop RPGs for beginners. However, it kind of depends on what type of beginner you are. In other words, not all beginners start at the same place.
I have been playing tabletop RPGs since the 1980s. As the saying goes, I’ve been in it for a minute.
I started out playing fantasy. That lasted for about two seconds once I discovered all the other genres — science fiction, post apocalyptic, supernatural, cyberpunk, and the best of them all, superheroes (c’mon, son!). I’ve already waxed poetic on how I love me some superheroes when City of Heroes was revived. After I knew there were all these other genres, it was on like Donkey Kong after that. I didn’t look back.
The Mission
When I started RPG Elite, one of my desires was to see the tabletop RPG community grow. However, we had to get past this stigma of tabletop RPGs being for weirdos and geeks.
Truth be told, there are some weirdos and geeks in the space. Hey. I’m just keeping in 💯. But we are not all like that. Give a brotha a break.
Over the years, tabletop RPGs, just like superheroes, have grown in popularity. However, unlike superheroes, it has nowhere near the following and acceptance (okay. It’s probably because of the weirdos. I’m just speculating though).
In the tabletop RPG space, I am the odd man out because I do not cover the biggest genre in the space — traditional fantasy. If you don’t know what traditional fantasy is, think J.R.R Tolkien’s works. Dwarves and elves, magic and spells. Yeah…uh…none of that.
Alternative Genre RPGs?
My mission here at RPG Elite is to spread the word about alternative-genre tabletop RPGs. What are those?
Alternative genre tabletop RPGs are the genres I just mentioned up top like superheroic (yep. My all-time favorite here. Did I mention that already?), science fiction (Star Trek), supernatural-horror (Grimm), post-apocalyptic (Mad Max), adventure (Indiana Jones), superspy/action (James Bond, John Wick).
Among these genres in the tabletop RPG space are many great tabletop RPGs for beginners.
It’s not that I have something against the fantasy genre. I have been running a fantasy campaign for over six years now in the game The One Ring 1st Edition. If you didn’t catch the hint in the title, this is a Lord of the Rings game.
I’m in love with Tolkien’s lore. I have a sizeable chunk of his books, and I am what some may call a lightweight Tolkienite. However, for RPG Elite, it’s an entirely different story. The brand is alternative genre tabletop RPGs and always will be as long as I am at the helm.
Something for You – Tabletop RPGs for Beginners
Keeping in line with the mission of RPG Elite, known as The Agenda to the Leet Nation (remind me to explain that to you sometime) of spreading the love about tabletop RPGs, RPG Elite has released a free resource for beginners and vets alike.
This FREE PDF is a compilation of ten tabletop RPGs for beginners. Within it are details about the game, links where you can purchase it, and video links to get more information about each game.
The PDF keeps to the mission of RPG Elite, focusing on alternative-genre tabletop RPGs. So again, no traditional fantasy here.
Each game also has a difficulty rating from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most difficult.
SPOILER ALERT: The highest rating for any game is 7. It is for beginners after all.
You can grab the PDF below. Spread the love and give it to others. You probably know someone who could use something like this. People who may not know where to begin when choosing a tabletop RPG.
RPG Elite to the rescue. 😊
Let me know if run into any problems by sending me an email.
Click on the link below to grab your FREE PDF!